FREE January Art Prompts


FREE January Art Prompts


Are you feeling creatively blocked ?

I often find myself stuck creatively, it’s almost as if I can’t move forward. Often it is due to outside factors in my life, sometimes that are beyond my control.

This is one technique I use to help me in those situations that can seem internally crippling.

I have come up with monthly art prompts/ words, such a simple yet impactful process to reconnect with your creative self.

Use these art prompts to help move past your block.

You can pick one word, or use all the words, as nudges to inspire you to create.

Let go of the end result -

•pick a word

•sit with it

•write it

what does it mean to you?

Think about the feelings & memories it evokes.

Connect with all your senses when you focus on the word - what do you see, feel, hear, taste and what scents can you smell?

Now start to creat.

This could be a few strokes of paint, or it could be an object, rhe most important bit is to start creating .

You can you use the one word for the full month. It’s a great way to stay focused and build your creatuve pricess and a series of creations .

I hope you find this useful, it’s a practise that really helps me, when I get stuck and struggle to move forward.

ART PROMPTS available via this link and don’t forget to subscribe to receive monthly art prompts and other helpful inspiration and ideas .

with gratitude

Kim Creates x

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