C r e a t i v e F l o w

🙏🏻C r e a t i v e F l o w

🌸the moment you are completely immersed in the creative process

🌸the moment your focus and attention shifts

🌸the moment you start to create incredible change

🙌Creative flow heals on so many levels and these aren’t some regurgitation words. Creative Flow became -

🙏🏻my therapy

🙏🏻my pain relief

🙏🏻my life line

🙏🏻my passion

🙏🏻 my gift

🙏🏻 my source of joy

🌸I created KimCreates Creative Flow through my own lived experience, and wanted to share the creative process that helped me in my darkest hour. Everything I do, and share, is always through my own experiences and journey.

🖤When your mobility is suddenly taken from you it can take you to a very dark place - which it did , I never gave up although there was a moment in September of that year I nearly did. This was lockdown and I had been put on very strong opioids - I became addicted within 3 days and remenber phoning the doctors saying I wanted to jump off a bridge .

🙌Luckily I didn’t ..

🙏🏻Instead I came off all medication - myself - with no help - going cold turkey was an experience that still traumatises me. A strange thing happened though after 3/4 days of hell firstly I craved pineapple 🍍 🤣🤣🤣 for days after , then I picked up a small set of watercolours I had and had never opened, I had them for years .

🌱That day I started painting and it became my friend and gave me something each morning that excited me and brought me joy. As soon as I picked up that brush I got lost in the process of creating -

🌱I shifting my focus away from the pain to creating

🌱I was shifting my focus away from dark thoughts to creating ones of hope

🌱I was shifting my focus away from contraction to expansion.

🌱 I was seeing light after months of darkness.

Losing my ability to walk brought me to the most amazing place where I found joy, peace and calm within me through the creative process.

🙏🏻Within 8 weeks I has set up an online gallery and within 4 months I was sharing my experience with others through online creatuve flow workshops.

🙏🏻My favourite part of my experience and what I have now created to inspire others is seeing the impact it has on others in such a short space of time .

🙏🏻As soon as others pick up that brush to create

🖤The mental chatter quietens

🖤Their body softens

🖤They stop talking and shift their focus from thoughts to creating .

🙌My Creative Flow are not about becoming the next Picasso ( although of it happens amazing) , they are about inspiring and guiding others through the creatuve process .

🖤Creative Flow i’d hugely meditative and is perfect for the person who struggles with meditation - as the act of creating keeps the focus and helps loose the thoughts .

and it doesn’t have to be painting it could be cooking, building, gardening, singing, knitting etc … so there is no excuse not to at least give creativity a chance .

if you want to hear more about my Creative Flow workshops, get free downloads subscribe below or checkout my online shop for upcoming events

🌸13th Jan Carmunnock

🌸19th March Carmunnock

with love & gratitude for each and everyone of you that supports & encourages me - I hope this is the year I can really be of value to you all.

@kimcreates x
